Friday, November 22, 2013

Learning Centered Instruction Recap with Anchor Charts

The Literacy Coaches all set up centers and the groups of 10-12 rotated in fifteen minute intervals to go over research-based methodology for literacy instruction.  Need Handouts?  Contact the coach by email to request the packets!  
To Save a copy of one of the Anchor Charts in the Video, Pause the video at the chart you wish to capture.  Then, take a screen shot by pressing the PrtScn key (usually above the Delete Key), then you can paste that Anchor Chart into a Powerpoint or Word Document by Right Click/Paste or Ctrl V.  

Coach Contact:  
Katie Cox
Susan Nance
Ashlee Leighow
Jane Springli
Sarah Totte
Trina Menzie


Coming soon: All the LCI Anchor Charts