Sunday, January 26, 2014

Recommended blog

I was browsing pinterest, and this blogger had Amazing Ideas. ..and she's from Moore,  Oklahoma! Her literacy center ideas are so creative,  I just had to share.

Check out

Monday, January 20, 2014

1st Grade Training Day: Technology Enhanced Learning

A link to download 17 review activities (below and more!) is at the bottom of this post.  Please Comment with additional sites that meet the Quarter 3 Objectives so I can see if I can add them to a SmartNotebook so we have OffLine access.

Quarter 3 Weeks 4 to 9 Objectives:

Find your Coach and Week below.  We are exploring Quarter 3, abbreviated Q3, followed by W# to indicate the week number.  

Ashlee Leighow:
Day 1:  Q3W4 RF 1.3g Recognize and read grade appropriate irregularly spelled words.
Dinosaur Eggs Game
Day 2: Q3W4 L.1.1b Use common, proper, and possessive nouns.
Pronoun Balloon Pop Game

Trina Menzie:
Q3W5 RI 1.6 Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by words in a text.
Compound and Complex Sentences

Susan Nance:
Q3W6 RF 1.2b Orally produce single-syllable words by blending sounds (phonemes), including consonant blends. (O) 
Day 1: Blending Dragon
Day 2: Hay loft phonic blending

Katie Cox:
Q3W7 RI 1.5 Know and use various text features (Ex: headings, tables of contents, glossaries, etc.) to locate key facts or information in a text. 
Day 1: Jeopardy Text Features Competition
Day 2:  Fling the Teacher Review Quiz

Sarah Totte:
Q3W8 SL1.4 Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly
Day 1: Character Scrapbook (Printable)
Day 2: Interactive Story Map 

Jane Springli:
Q3W9 RI 1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. (O)

To save the Smartboard Activities for First Grade, Quarter 3, follow this link and select File: Download for this file link:  Activities  for Quarter 3

Feedback is appreciated, to improve this information please post a comment!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Deconstructed Common Core: Notice and Note Companion Resources

Recommended Instructional Strategies 

Deconstructed Common Core from Companion Resources

    Resources from the Appendix

    1. Surveys
    2. Rigor and Talk Checklist
    3. "Huswifery"
    4. Text Complexity Worksheet
    5. Notice and Note Signpost Bookmarks
    6. You Try It
    7. Notice and Note Reading Log
    8. Adaptations of Notice and Note Reading Logs
    9. Notice and Note Signposts in Walk Two Moons
    10. Texts for Teaching the Notice and Note Signpost Lessons
      1. Thank You, Ma’m (for Contrasts and Contradictions)* no link available currently.  PDF coming soon.
      2. Excerpts from Crash (for Aha Moment)* no link available currently.  PDF coming soon.
      3. Excerpts from A Long Walk to Water (for Tough Questions)
      4. Excerpts from Riding Freedom (for Words of the Wiser)
      5. Excerpts from Hatchet (for Again and Again)
      6. Excerpts from Hope Was Here (for Memory Moment)

    Video Study Guide developed for a Book Study group.  Authors engage in a discussion about the close reading strategies and instructional techniques, and the extensive research developing the activities from the Appendix (above).

    Video Resources

    1. The Importance of Close Reading in Cultivating Engaged Readers…and Addressing the CCSS
    2. Collaborating to Foster Will and Skill
    3. Rigor, Text-Dependent Questions, and the Need for Close Reading Strategies
    4. The Influence of Louise Rosenblatt and the Role of Literacy in Defending Democracy
    5. A Case for Literature in the Contemporary Curriculum

    Beers, Kyleen and Robert E. Probst. Notice and Note: Strategies for Close Reading. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemen, 2013. Print.